This charming toy pram, adorned with delicate red roses and green leaves, carries a heartfelt connection to the late Betty Blizzard. Betty was a dedicated volunteer at the Ryedale Folk Museum, a place she cherished until her passing. We think the pram, along with the precious doll it carried, must have filled the days of her daughter, Catherine, with childhood joy.
The pram itself is a creation of Lines Brothers, a company founded by three siblings, Walter, William, and Arthur Lines. After serving in World War I, they ventured into the world of toys and introduced their creations under the brand name "Tri-Ang', a play on the word triangle, which itself consists of three lines! (Get it?)
As if that’s all not enchanting and nostalgic enough already, our pram also carries a personal touch - a pillow, mattress, sheet, and blanket, believed to be lovingly crafted by Betty herself! We think it’s all rather irresistible…
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